DeWolff IV


Release: 08-06-2012


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Years active:2007 - Present
Heritage:Heerlen, The Netherlands
Genre(s):Southern Rock, Soul
Members:Pablo van de Poel
Luka van de Poel
Robin Piso

Released 08-06-2012

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DeWolff – IV

The fourth album by DeWolff rereleased by Electrosaurus Records and Suburban Records.

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Electrosaurus Records

Electrosaurus Records is a small independent record label founded in 2015 by Pablo van de Poel, Luka van de Poel and Robin Piso, also known as DeWolff. The record label has the same name as Pablo van de Poel's recording studio in Maastricht (previously in Utrecht) where he records most of the records released by Electrosaurus Records.
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