Osdorp Posse Briljant Hard & Geslepen


Release: 13-12-2024


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SIDE A: A1 Briljant Hard En Geslepen A2 Wat Ik Effe Kwijt Wou A3 De Schijnheil-Hitlers A4 Adrenaline A5 Zondebokken A6 Krab ’n Roershit A7 In Je Smoel A8 Mislukkig Zijn
SIDE B: B1 Voor De Fans B2 Machteloos B3 Commerciële Aids Nog Steeds B4 Nepsupporters B5 Je Kan Ons Niet B6 Boodschap Aan De Wereld B7 De Stalen Heupoperatie


Released 13-12-2024

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Osdorp Posse – Briljant Hard & Geslepen

‘Briljant Hard En Geslepen’ is a one-off project by hip-hop group Osdorp Posse and metal band Nembrionic. The groups sometimes played together during live performances in the past, but this usually degenerated into complete chaos. After recording two songs as an experiment, the idea arose to record a complete album. The result is a unique combination of metal and Dutch hip-hop. Brilliant Hard En Geslepen is now available on vinyl for the first time!

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Suburban Records

At Suburban Records, we believe that all great music has one thing in common: soul. Soul has the unique ability to communicate happiness, love, sorrow, and anger — all the essential qualities that distinguish an average song from a unique one. When we sign new artists, we look for that soul in their songs and sound, as well as in the stories they tell. Within these parameters, we give our artists total creative freedom, which we consider essential.
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