Shaking Godspeed Awe


Release: 04-08-2010


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01. Godspeed
02. X-ray Eyes
03. We’re Under Attack, So I’ve Heard
04. High Hopes – High Times
05. People Wait, People Listen
06. Don’t Have Time
07. Alive & Swell
08. Lately
09. Day At The Office
10. In Public


Artist:Shaking Godspeed
Years active:2009 - present
Genre(s):Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Members:Wout Kemkens
Alex van Damme
Rocco Ostermann
Ruben van Asselt

Released 04-08-2010

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Shaking Godspeed – Awe

Awe is the first album by Shaking Godspeed.

Reviews (dutch):

“Zelfs mensen met gehoorsproblemen voelen aan de resonantie van hun botten dat hier een top werk uit de boxen rolt.” – 9/10

“Veel authentieker krijg je het voortaan niet in Nederland. Veel beter ook niet trouwens.” – OOR

“De titel is goed gekozen, want de muziek doet de mond bij tijd en wijle open zakken van bewondering.” – Lust For Life 4/5

“Het spijtige is dat het album maar 10 nummers telt. Meer, meer, meer!” – festivalinfo 4/5

More about Shaking Godspeed
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Suburban Records

At Suburban Records, we believe that all great music has one thing in common: soul. Soul has the unique ability to communicate happiness, love, sorrow, and anger — all the essential qualities that distinguish an average song from a unique one. When we sign new artists, we look for that soul in their songs and sound, as well as in the stories they tell. Within these parameters, we give our artists total creative freedom, which we consider essential.
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