Tusky What’s For Dinner?


Release: 08-04-2022


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Years active:2017 - Present
Heritage:Utrecht, The Netherlands
Members:Vladimir Stevic - Vocals & Guitar
Sjors van Reeuwijk - Guitar
Quirin Wijgers - Bass
Bas Allein Richir - Drums
Michiel van Iersel - Guitar

Released 08-04-2022

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Tusky – What’s For Dinner?


1. Post-Apocalyptic Raftovers / 2. We’re Going Out Again / 3. Lemonparty / 4. Trial & Terror / 5. The Diamond Burden / 6. There’s No Pain (In Champagne) / 7. Nightstalker / 8. Conversation Street / 9. Bliss / 10. What’s For Dinner?

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Suburban Records

At Suburban Records, we believe that all great music has one thing in common: soul. Soul has the unique ability to communicate happiness, love, sorrow, and anger — all the essential qualities that distinguish an average song from a unique one. When we sign new artists, we look for that soul in their songs and sound, as well as in the stories they tell. Within these parameters, we give our artists total creative freedom, which we consider essential.
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