This is a Suburban Records compilation curated by DJ Santina Runaway. Featuring fifteen tracks from the recent and upcoming Suburban Records / Distribution catalogue: Bad Nerves, Danko Jones, Death by Unga Bunga, Djerv, Fire Horse, Gluecifer, The Good, The Bad & The Zugly, Grande Royale ft. Dregen, March, Romano Nervoso, Scumbag Millionaire, Sloper, The Sore Losers, The Spades and X Raiders. Dedicated to Hank Von Hell.
Santina Runaway is one of the label managers at Suburban Records, as well as a High Energy Rock N’ Roll DJ, previously seen at festivals like Graspop, Speedfest, Lowlands and venues like Paradiso, Melkweg, and Lido (Berlin).
Bloody Mary coloured vinyl, with full colour printed insert.